Rajsthan public service Commisson (RPSC) Ajmer
RPSC invites Online application for the following posts in Rajasthan Government:
General Knowledge Quiz 2012, 2012 General Knowledge Quiz, Current Events 2012, Latest Current Affairs 2012, General Awareness 2012, General Knowledge 2012, Current Gk 2012, General Knowledge
RPSC invites Online application for the following posts in Rajasthan Government:
1. public Relation Officer : 06 posts
2. Assistant public Relation Officer : 34 posts
3. Archivist : 02 posts
4. Reasearch Officer : 01 posts
5. Divisonal Fee :Superintendent (Rajasthan state Motor Garage, jaipur) : 01 posts
6. Statistical Officer : 25 posts
Application Fee : Rs.250/-(Rs. 150/- for OBC and Rs 50/- SC/ST) plus Rs 40/- online portal changes.
How to Apply : Apply Online at RPSC website on or before 15/02/2012 12.00 midnight.
Information : For complete information please view http://rpsc.gov.in/Advt_R12_Joint_20_01_12.pdf
and apply online at http://rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in/